
  • Sam Wall

Hi Lisa, You can't see it, but I'm holding a stop sign up to the computer screen right now, because you need to hit the brakes when it comes to your friend and his oh-so-generous offer to help you cheat on your boyfriend. That's what he's offering, by the way; it's not sexual physical therapy if you...

  • Heather Corinna

frenchiemathwhiz's question continued: I was standing by him because I've freaked out about stuff before, and I thought he was there for me. But apparently not. Anyway, we were each other's first sexual partners—vaginal, oral, etc. I'm moving to a new city and a new job in a few weeks (something I...

  • Heather Corinna

Unless her doctor was on drugs, wasn't really a doctor, or was a complete lunatic, there is no way he or she would have said any such thing. Pregnancy cannot just magically appear, end and reappear all by itself. That could only happen in, say, the same world where that guy in the Santa suit at a...

  • Sarah Riley

You can tell your partner that he's incredibly misinformed. You might want to check out my answer to another question about vaginal tightness. But the short answer here is that your partner is woefully confused about sexual anatomy and arousal. The vagina does not permanently change due to inserting...