"Birth control" or "contraception" simply means any number of methods a person may or does use in order to try to prevent pregnancy. So, condoms are birth control. The pill is birth control. IUDs are birth control. The Depo-Provera shot is birth control. Withdrawal is birth control. If you choose...
- Sarah Riley
Right now, it sounds like you are your partner are practicing withdrawal as a form of birth control. As a method of contraception, withdrawal is not the most effective choice available. With perfect use it is about 96% effective (meaning that about 4 out of every 100 people using it will become...
- Heather Corinna
Sex addiction is a popular topic on talk-shows and in mainstream media (where the goal isn't accuracy, but ratings), but it isn't something many sexologists consider credible. I'm not on board with the idea myself. Our collective ugh about it has a lot to do with the way addiction is clinically...
- Heather Corinna
Frankly, if I had a partner -- at any age -- who, from the onset, was trying to talk his way out of cooperating with managing risks, risks that I would bear the greatest burden of, I wouldn't just insist on a condom. I would insist on not being sexual with that person at all. I -- and you -- deserve...
- Heather Corinna
Condoms are designed and tested -- each and every one of them, by every manufacturer -- to be able to withstand ejaculation (what you're calling "erupting") as well as to contain a single ejaculation: the amount of semen a person with a penis emits when they ejaculate. They test them by blowing...
- Heather Corinna
As a product of the withdrawal method myself, you can imagine why I'm not too excited about it. But even if I wasn't, what I know is that it's one of the least effective methods in typical use (only 73% effective), and that even with perfect use (96% effective), it's still less effective than most...
- Sarah Riley
(Emily's question continued) Anyway, I keep thinking about being pregnant, wanting a baby and hoping and hoping I get pregnant. I hate thinking this way, because we aren't really ready for that yet, but I can't stop. Is there really any reason I would have this motherly urge? We always have...
- Heather Corinna
Understand that if a person with a penis is aroused and/or erect, then there is likely some pre-ejaculate at some point. If his penis is visible, you will likely be able to see it, but for obvious reasons, if it's inside your vagina or your mouth, you're not going to be able to see it, and both you...
- Heather Corinna
Why do you feel bad about using emergency contraception? Just like condoms, how it works is to prevent a pregnancy, and emergency contraceptive pills (Plan B or the Morning-After Pill) work the exact same way any combination hormonal birth control works, it just only needs to be taken after the fact...
- Heather Corinna
If you want to use a behavioural method or spermicides and need help deciding between them.