A short, fast, sex ed summary about periods and the menstrual cycle.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Manola Secaira
Only a small percentage of Latinas in the U.S. use tampons, despite their cultural prevalence—what gives?
- Sam Wall
Ah yes, the unexpected period gambit. Also known as the “I am not wearing white shorts until I hit menopause” phenomenon. I know it well, as do most people who menstruate. The image of the spreading, red stain on your pants (inevitably in front of the people who pick on you and/or the person you’re…
- Jenna Gaarde
amenie358’s question continued: I should mention that I’ve seen a gynecologist and she says there’s no sort of physical impediment involved and that if I practice I’ll be able to do it, but it’s so uncomfortable. It’s not getting easier. When I visit the gynecologist I have to be tanked up on valium…
- Heather Corinna
I’d say you have a few good options. Menstrual suppression isn’t really a one-shot deal like you’re thinking unless you are already using a hormonal method of contraception you can suppress with, like the birth control pill or the Nuvaring (in which case what you do is take pill packs or rings back…
- Heather Corinna
Sounds to me like you could use some good, old-fashioned vulva reclaiming. And it’s so not just you that does, I swear. Let’s start by tossing out terms like “va-jay-jay.” Seriously, when television writers – on a medical show, of all things – have to be cute about it you know we’re living in a…
- Heather Corinna
Wearing tampons when you aren’t menstruating isn’t a good idea in terms of risks of TSS and uncomfortable vaginal dryness, but doing so won’t have any sort of permanent effects on the vagina. Same goes with having intercourse: the vagina is a muscle, and use of it doesn’t cause atrophy – that doesn…
- Heather Corinna
What’s the menstrual cycle? How does it all work? What are periods and options for managing them, and when’s it time to check in with a healthcare provider?