If you are obsessively scrubbing and scrubbing like Lady Macbeth, that in and of itself may be a big part of this issue. The vagina is a self-cleaning organ. It’s also an organ that doesn’t tend to respond well to soaps, douches, and other cleansing agents, because those things can knock off the…
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Heather Corinna
So long as you’re in good general and sexual health, there’s no reason your genitals WOULD taste bad. Too, giving you oral sex shouldn’t be something you even need to worry about being gross for your boyfriend: if you’re not pressuring him to do so, and he’s willingly and with enjoyment engaging in…
- Heather Corinna
Sarah, Sometimes, some folks just have REALLY sensitive noses, and will be convinced their genitals smell awful when they smell completely normal. That might be the case here with you. Too, if that profuse discharge is only happening for a few days once each menstrual cycle, that may simply be the…