“Those of us that identify within the QTBIPOC community cannot take off our skin the same way we cannot remove our gender and/or our sexuality. We have to continue to have conversations about all of the disparities that are going on. There is not just one way we are affected.”
sex ed
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Gabriel Leão
- Jaclyn Friedman
First, let me say how awesome it is to get your letter. I recently started a whole new organization – called EducateUS – to convince more people to want to take action for sex education the way you already do, and to help people like you who are already motivated and looking for ways to get active…
- Sam Wall
Bonnie Rough echoes many comprehensive sex educators in her assertion that it is often adult discomfort with the idea of children being sexual beings, or an inability to see things like nudity in a non-sexual light, that drives the way they interact with children’s sexuality. She’s honest about the ways in which she, and many other well-meaning parents, can be so focused on how they can prevent negative outcomes of sex that they inadvertently reinforce harmful, sex-negative messages. She poses an alternate question for parents to ponder in place of merely thinking about how to prevent negative outcomes: what are my hopes and dreams for my children in their sexual lives?
- Hanne Blank
We had the means to help, and the motivation. So we did. But we didn’t want to provide just any old sex ed, or to cut-and-paste other people’s content. We wanted to do it better. It was important to us that the sex education we offered be as real as we could make it.
- Heather Corinna
Meet Emily Joy and Hannah Boning, the columnists behind Impurity Culture, a new biweekly feature on Scarleteen.
- Heather Corinna
- Sam Wall
Some of our favorite resources for parents to help them do their best with sex, gender, consent and sexuality in their parenting.
- Heather Corinna
- Sam Wall
If you take nothing else away from Scarleteen Confidential, we feel these five things are the real guiding principles when it comes to parenting well with sex and sexuality.
- Heather Corinna
- Sam Wall
In this series we pass on our insight including what we observe and learn from working with young people to parents, guardians and other supportive adults.
- Heather Corinna
I thought that your question was a great opportunity for some peer-to-peer education. So, I asked Arianna, an awesome Scarleteen reader your age who always seems to do a great job getting to the heart of things, if she’d help you out. She was happy to do so, and gave you some great advice, resources…