
  • Heather Corinna

Looking at what you've posted, and given he knows that not only does anal sex not feel good for you, it causes you pain, I'd be inclined to agree that there's probably something very unhealthy going on here interpersonally. It doesn't make a lot of sense to give someone tips on how to do something...

  • Sarah Riley

Hey, Monica! You know, weird feelings after sexual activities of all sorts are something that is reported pretty frequently by folks. There could be a couple of reasons for this. First of all, when we're sexually active, we tend to become more aware of our bodies than we were before. Normal gas or...

  • Heather Corinna

ANY direct genital contact that is unprotected ALWAYS puts you at a potential risk of pregnancy (when your partner has the genitals that could co-create one) and sexually transmitted infections. The vulva is a wet place, and sexual fluids like ejaculate and pre-ejaculate are also just that, fluid...

  • Susie Tang

The instructions on every packet of condoms I have ever seen (including condoms in countries outside the United States) clearly state that once the man has ejaculated, he needs to withdraw and dispose of the condom promptly. Proper withdrawal means you grip the ring firmly, pull out completely and...

  • Heather Corinna

Is it possible to have sex with someone while they're asleep? Sure it is. Is it likely they won't wake up at all? Not so much. Is it likely that person would wake up and think it was awesome someone was engaging them in sex without their permission in advance? Probably not. More to the point, is it...

  • Heather Corinna

Rape is when someone forces, coerces or nags you to do ANY kind of sexual activity you don't want to engage in, or when someone has sex ON you or TO you, rather than 100% WITH you. A partner forcing his hands into your pants and fingering you when you do not want that is a rape. Whether or not it...

  • Heather Corinna

It's important to understand that rape is only sex for the person doing the raping. And really, it's not even that, since partnered sex is something we do WITH someone, not TO someone, or have done TO us. A person being raped does not have control over the situation, isn't consenting and IS...

  • Heather Corinna

It has NEVER been safe to try and terminate a pregnancy with a wire hanger, for crying out loud. PLEASE hear that. Abortions with wire hangers are remnants of the horror stories -- true ones, sadly -- from the days when abortion was illegal. Many women had to have backalley abortions at high cost...

  • Susie Tang

Anal douche is more commonly referred to as an enema. Enemas are solutions that are injected into the lower bowel to induce defecation through one means or another. There are many different kinds of enemas, those including things such as milk and molasses, fleet, cone, etc. Using an enema before...

  • Sarah Riley

Unless his sperm came equipped with flame throwers and chain saws, it's pretty much impossible that it could make it through that many layers of clothing! Sperm can be pretty hearty, but all of those layers are more than they could ever survive through. So no, you have no pregnancy risk from the...