
  • Heather Corinna

Before I say anything else, I'm going to say what I often do to people about threesomes (or moresomes), particularly threesomes-in-the-abstract or other kinds of sexual scenarios with an established couple and one or more other partners who they don't know yet or haven't even considered. Especially...

  • Heather Corinna

I'm always so glad when I hear from someone clearly thinking ahead, who wants to establish sexual communication and boundaries early on, rather than after boundaries have been crossed or well after communication was needed. Well done! Kudos to you for planning to take the initiative yourself, rather...

  • Heather Corinna

Does your relationship need a basic checkup to be sure it's healthy and well? Here's a list for doing just that.

  • Heather Corinna

I want to first make a few things clear about any judgments you may be making about yourself or might assume will be made in my answer to you. I don't like terms like "easy" when they carry derogatory judgments, for the same reason I don't like terms like "prude" used or internalized that way. If...

  • Heather Corinna

It's absolutely normal to feel unsafe with someone who has demonstrated that you are not safe with them. After all, if I told you I didn't feel safe having someone over for dinner who mugged me last week, you'd hardly be surprised. It's also absolutely normal not to feel sexual with someone who hasn...

  • Michelle Kinsey Bruns

I am a volunteer abortion clinic escort. This means I am there to walk with women coming into the abortion clinic. It's usually no more than a minute's walk from their cars to the front door of the clinic. Under normal circumstances, my help would hardly be needed. Except the circumstances outside an abortion clinic are rarely "normal."

  • Heather Corinna

What it sounds like, to me, is that whatever it is you've been doing sexually just isn't something you feel okay with yet or good about right now. I get that it feels good at the time, but when I talk about sex feeling good, any kind of sexual activities at all, what I mean is sex feeling good...

  • Heather Corinna

There is no one, unilateral stance on feminism and BDSM, whether someone is being dominant or submissive; whether women have partners who are men, women, both or neither. For decades, there has been a lot of feminist conversation around it and other aspects of sex with a lot of varied opinion...

  • Heather Corinna

Yes, there are health risks associated with ingesting or being exposed to menses, because this is both fluid sharing and also blood sharing, even though menses is more than just blood. Overall, what you're looking at are the risks associated with unprotected -- without a latex barrier like a condom...

  • Heather Corinna

When I was in high school, I was -- as I still am now -- in the habit of hugging friends and warmly kissing them on the cheek, the sides of their mouth or on the mouth entire when greeting them, passing them in the halls, or just because I loved them and liked to demonstrate my affection. You can...