There’s a lot to unpack with sexual choking. Here’s some science, including some real dangers, and some guidance, to help anyone make informed decisions to ensure safer, healthy, consensual and mutually-enjoyable experiences.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Heather Corinna
- Giselle Woodley
- Gabriel Leão
In an exclusive interview with Scarleteen, Amnesty International Argentina Executive Director Mariela Belski, spoke about the road to the recent abortion legalization in Argentina, sex education in the South-American country and remembering the case of the child that acted as a catalyst to the changes the country has recently made.
- Sam Wall
I feel you, Mandy! I’m a woman whose adult height is five feet and when I was 16 I weighed about a hundred pounds soaking wet. I suspect (but cannot prove) my parents were a little more protective of me than they would have been if I was a boy, but I have to give credit where credit is due. They…
- Al Washburn
STI rates are higher in communities of color. Get the facts so you can fight the stereotypes.
- s.e. smith
They call it “feminization surgery,” but that’s a bit of a misnomer. More accurately described, it tends to make the features of the face finer and more delicate, and people of any gender can have delicate features.
- s.e. smith
In vaginoplasty, which may require multiple surgeries, depending on the surgeon’s preference and your case, your existing genital tissue is creatively recycled into a vagina, set of labia, and a clitoris.
- s.e. smith
If you’re equipped with a clit and some labia and you’d like a penis (with or without testicles), you’re looking at either a phalloplasty or metoidioplasty. The procedures have different advantages and disadvantages that you’ll want to consider before making a decision.
- s.e. smith
In this procedure, the surgeon removes the testicles with or without the scrotum. This procedure stops the production of testosterone, which allows patients to adjust their doses of anti-androgens and estrogen.
- s.e. smith
If you’ve got a uterus and you don’t want one, you’ll be spending some personal time with a gynecological surgeon.
- s.e. smith
Fun fact: While top surgery is often described as a “mastectomy,” that’s actually usually inaccurate. Many surgeons perform a “subtotal mastectomy,” which involves removing most, but not all, of the breast tissue. This prevents a sunken or fallen appearance after surgery, and makes it look like you have a sweet set of pecs (if you aren’t already sporting them).