
  • Samantha Benac

Contrary to a common public opinion, there's no right or wrong way to have sex. Bad sex -- and what that even is varies from person to person -- definitely happens, but usually only when there's little to no communication, and one party isn't attuned to the other's needs. (I am speaking of consensual sex that's just a stinker here, not about sexual assault.) Every person's preferences are unique. An act or gesture that drives one person absolutely wild might fall flat for another. You might think, "Wow, my ex really loved it when I did this one certain thing, but my new partner barely responds to it at all." This is just the nature of sex.

  • Samantha Benac

Women get a whole lot of messages about body hair. So how do we figure out what you want in terms of shaving and other personal grooming?

  • Samantha Benac

Being that we are, y'know, human women's bodies are not pristine. When we have sex, all of our bodies' small idiosyncrasies, quirks, and so-called "flaws" are on display. This is to be expected -- our bodies' natural functions are an inevitable part of life. Real-life sex often involves a lot of these functions in many different ways. These functions involve all manner of smells, sights, sounds, goops, juices, and fluids. Living in fear of these realities won't do you any good; it helps to not only to coexist with them, but to embrace them as part of your awesome self.

  • Samantha Benac

I'm just going to lay it down for you: sex will not be great unless you're mentally and emotionally prepared. But "prepared" means something different for everyone. For one person, it might mean a solid, committed relationship. For another, it might mean having overcome some body image problems. And for yet another, you might just genuinely feel ready right out of the gate. We all require different things in order to be truly prepared to have sex for the first time. Some of us might require a lot, and some might require almost nothing. Sex might have a lot of emotional or moral meaning for one person, but for another, it might have no such weight behind it at all.

  • Samantha Benac

Many women and girls feel insecure about sex, especially when it's new. How can we build some sexual confidence?

  • Samantha Benac

Have you been forgoing time with friends to hang out with your significant other, or vice versa? Either way, read on for help in dealing with this sticky predicament.

  • Sam Wall

The good news is, you're definitely not the first person to ask this question. People have been trying to parse out what, exactly, constitutes love for most of human history. And who can blame them? Loving someone, and feeling loved in return is, in its best form, a really wonderful emotion. And...

  • Heather Corinna

Many people feel they'd like to reproduce, parent, or both in their lives. I wouldn't say either of those things -- that it's "slutty" or "weird" -- are true about these feelings and desires, whatever your age. I'd say the feelings you're having are some of the most common human wants there are, and...


When everyone seems to be so preoccupied with labels, it's hard to really explain to someone that you're a 'genderqueer-gendernonconforming-demisexual-'gay'-transman' and not have them look at you funny.

  • Sam Wall

Sparknolee's question continued: Whenever we're out, he says he sees boys look at me and he wants to punch them. I find this is too far as he even admitted himself he sees "hot girls" when he's out but has assured that he never sees them as a girlfriend. I understand that. Whenever he says he...