This answer is going to require a diagram. Click the link below and open in a new window or tab. Cross section of the female abdomen I know the picture has a lot of labels, but try to locate the vagina on the diagram. Notice how it runs parallel to the rectum. In the body, the vagina is just ventral...
- Susie Tang
Anal douche is more commonly referred to as an enema. Enemas are solutions that are injected into the lower bowel to induce defecation through one means or another. There are many different kinds of enemas, those including things such as milk and molasses, fleet, cone, etc. Using an enema before...
- Heather Corinna
No need to be embarrassed! Understand that the rectum is not a straight line, but is curved. It's not only curved, it's kind of curved twice: if the anatomy of your rectum from a side view was a map, we'd essentially go in from the anus, take a left, take a right, then go up again towards the right...