pregnancy risk

  • Mo Ranyart

This is a great question. I can really sympathize with how all of these elements can make socializing more difficult and how frustrating that can be, especially at a time when you may feel like you want extra support from the people in your life. I don't think there's one clear solution here, but I...

  • Stephanie

The best rule of thumb when considering risk for pregnancy - always assume unless you’re using a reliable method of birth control that pregnancy can happen. The process that takes place in person who can become pregnant is called the menstrual cycle because it’s a full process that takes place, not...

  • Heather Corinna

You sure can. When a person who menstruates has their first period, it's because they also first ovulated. In other words, first ovulation happens before your first period, so when you get your period for the first time, that means you will have also been able to become pregnant in at least the one...

  • Heather Corinna

Unless her doctor was on drugs, wasn't really a doctor, or was a complete lunatic, there is no way he or she would have said any such thing. Pregnancy cannot just magically appear, end and reappear all by itself. That could only happen in, say, the same world where that guy in the Santa suit at a...

  • Heather Corinna

No. No kind of sex can change the shape or size of your body (sparing something temporary and small, like erections or clitoral swelling because of being aroused). If you become pregnant due to any given kind of sex you can have shape or size changes, but that's about it. To find out about what...

  • Sarah Riley

Pregnancy tests, both the blood and the urine type, are pretty darn accurate these days. So if you've had two negative home tests (HPTs) and a negative test at the doctor's office (assuming they were all correctly taken and done at least 14 days after the last time you were sexually active), then...

  • Sarah Riley

Without some In order for a pregnancy to occur, the first thing you need is a sperm and an egg. Individuals who have ovaries are going to be able to provide the ovum (or egg) while individuals who have testes are going to provide the sperm. So if you have two individuals who have ovaries...

  • Heather Corinna

Understand that if a person with a penis is aroused and/or erect, then there is likely some pre-ejaculate at some point. If his penis is visible, you will likely be able to see it, but for obvious reasons, if it's inside your vagina or your mouth, you're not going to be able to see it, and both you...

  • Sarah Riley

Unless you've been charting your fertility (see our article Get with the Flow: All about FAM for more information), it's not really a good idea to think that there's any "safe" period in your cycle where you have less need to worry about pregnancy. Not everybody ovulates on Day 14. Especially in...

  • Heather Corinna

Why do you feel bad about using emergency contraception? Just like condoms, how it works is to prevent a pregnancy, and emergency contraceptive pills (Plan B or the Morning-After Pill) work the exact same way any combination hormonal birth control works, it just only needs to be taken after the fact...