
  • Heather Corinna

I sure can, and I'm glad you asked. Know what? Some gay men do NOT like having any sort of anal sex. Enjoyment of anal sex does not define or determine homosexuality, and lack of enjoyment of anal sex does not define or determine heterosexuality. So, a guy can be gay and yet not be all that...

  • Heather Corinna

While it's common for women -- especially young women -- to feel pain or discomfort with sex, it's not "normal" in that it has to happen or there isn't an alternative. Sex is not supposed to hurt: it's supposed to feel very good. If you're bleeding after sex every time, and it's also not feeling...

  • Heather Corinna

You're not alone in this, and it's okay. Remember that orgasm is primarily an event that occurs in, and is about, the nervous system. Yes, most people have most of their orgasms due to stimulation that is about or includes genital stimulus. But not all people, and again, for most, it's not JUST...

  • Heather Corinna

You know, I always feel for heterosexual or bisexual folks when they clearly have paid attention to this stuff, done the reading or just talked to women, put it all together and have that "Whoah!" moment about this issue. With so many people reared to think that male-female vaginal intercourse is...

  • Heather Corinna

The most common reasons for what you are experiencing would be: • Beginning vaginal entry before you are really, truly, fully aroused. As in, aroused to the point where you are very nearly begging your partner to begin intercourse because you just can't wait another minute for it. THAT is the point...

  • Heather Corinna

Sex doesn't have to be (and for most people to feel satisfied, really shouldn't be) only or solely about intercourse, and neither a smaller penis nor being of size means that sex has to be, or will be, unsatisfying for either partner. My good friend and colleague Hanne Blank literally wrote the book...

  • Heather Corinna

I get the feeling you (and your friend) are misunderstanding some things about your anatomy. Here is our article on the female genital anatomy, and you may find keeping the window open so you can see the illustrations helpful while I try and explain things better for you. For starters, there isn't...

  • Heather Corinna

Oooooooooookay. Let's try to go ahead and unpack all of this, once and for all. First things first: the vagina is a muscle. It's not some flippety-floppedy passive tube, nor is it tissue like your skin. It's muscle, like the muscles of your arms, legs or tongue. When we put something inside of it...

  • Heather Corinna

It's not a bad thing when it isn't a bad thing for you. NO consensual sexual activity is a bad thing, per the activity alone, when everyone involved WANTS to be doing it, and feels good physically and emotionally doing it. But you're right: there are a lot of negative attitudes about anal sex and...

  • Heather Corinna

I'd divide your questions into two groups here: the things you need to ask someone else, and the things you need to ask your girlfriend (and listen to her about). Let's start with the first group. Per spermicides, in general, if you can avoid using them, you want to avoid using them. Not only are...