
  • Mo Ranyart

This sounds like a frustrating situation, and I'm sorry this side effect of your testosterone has made things so much trickier in this one respect, but in case it helps to have a reminder: your lack of interest in masturbation or sex doesn't mean there's something wrong with you, and I'm sorry to...

  • Sam Wall
  • Heather Corinna

A short, fast, sex ed summary of basic sexual anatomy.

  • Sam Wall
  • Jenna Gaarde
  • Claire P

The super-basics on what lubricant is and why people use it.

  • Sam Wall

A short, fast, sex ed summary about pleasure and fulfillment.

  • Carrie Kaufman

Disabled people get a lot of practice telling people about our bodies: doctors, therapists, care workers, or people in our support networks like family and friends. It's so important to be able to tell our partners how to support and pleasure us in the ways that work for us, but even though we’ve got all that practice, this conversation can still be really hard to start. Here's some help.

  • Chanté Thurmond

It’s Chanté, back with more sexuality (in color) and intersectionality. If you appreciated last week’s definitions but are still curious or you want to learn even more, you may also find this video from Taryn Crenshaw helpful. Today I’m eager to dive into something that is fresh in my mind: pleasure...

  • Mo Ranyart

I can understand why you aren't feeling loved and wanted. It sounds like your partner is acting in a distinctly unloving way. I have some thoughts about ways you can approach conversations with him, to see if he's willing to change his thoughts and actions here, but unless he is willing to make some...

  • Heather Corinna

Self-love. Solo sex. Jacking off, jilling off, whacking off. Paddling the pink canoe, pocket pinball, teasing the kitty, testing the plumbing, spanking the monkey, surfing the channel. No matter what you call it—or how goofy what you call it is—masturbation is one of the few things that almost everyone does, has done or will do. Here's some most basic things to know about it.

  • s.e. smith

Sex isn't a tit-for-tat experience, but communicating can help you build a mutually pleasurable and fun sex life.

  • Hannah Boning

It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into what you want from a romantic and sexual relationship, and that’s great! It’s always good to spend some time figuring out what you want and need before you start a relationship. By knowing yourself and your boundaries, you’ve got a solid foundation for...