It can be hard for anybody to ask for help. For individuals on the Autism spectrum or anyone with some kind of disability, it can be an especially trying task. Here’s a little advice from someone who knows.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Heather Corinna
You are not being unreasonable. I don’t think his response and behavior about the lube is fine. I don’t think it’s okay for him to tell you that not having sex isn’t a big deal for you, or to tell you how important sex is to your relationship for both of you. I don’t think it’s fine for him to be…
- s.e. smith
Sex isn’t a tit-for-tat experience, but communicating can help you build a mutually pleasurable and fun sex life.
- Hannah Boning
It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into what you want from a romantic and sexual relationship, and that’s great! It’s always good to spend some time figuring out what you want and need before you start a relationship. By knowing yourself and your boundaries, you’ve got a solid foundation for…
- Onionpie
Feel like being able to clearly set boundaries, stick to them, and assert yourself must require superpowers? Nope! You’ve already got all the goods: here’s how to develop and use them!
Some helps and walkthroughs to create your own toolboxes and hone your skills based on Risky Business: Learning to Consider Risk and Make Sound Sexual Choices. My Core Inventory/Ground Zero/Manifesto for Sexual/Intimate Choices: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If you feel stuck, it might help to cover one bare basic…
- Heather Corinna
Choices about sex and intimacy will always involve some risks, and making sound choices when risks, emotions and social high stakes are involved isn’t something anyone is magically expert at. How can we learn to do it well, and what are some common things that trip us up?
- Lena
Making out with an ex whom you still have feelings for isn’t really an issue of being right or wrong morally: I’d say it’s more about being honest with yourself and doing what’s right for you. Right now this arrangement doesn’t seem to be a good match for your needs and wants. Casual sex generally…
- Stephanie
You know people really are all very different, and usually when we try to compare one partner with those of our past we miss the mark by a long shot because of those differences. So lets break your question down into a few different parts and take things one at a time. Let’s take the big question…