If you’re bisexual, you might have dealt with or presently be dealing with internalized biphobia. The good news is there are ways to manage and cope with it.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Adam England
There are an awful lot of misconceptions and myths surrounding bisexuality. Obviously, these views don’t hold up to reality, and they can be seriously offensive, ignorant, and hurtful, too. With so many pervasive myths out there, it’s always a good time to tackle them head-on and debunk them once and for all. Here are seven pervasive but false beliefs about bisexual men.
- Grace Catan
Intellectually, I understand that success and safety do not invalidate struggle. I understand that I will feel the impacts of sexual violence regardless of how well I do in school or how much better life gets for me. But because a majority of people in my life only see the “successful” parts and not the difficult parts, and because so often people’s expectations of survivors stand counter to this, many people find it harder to believe that I’ve even experienced sexual violence. And that can make it harder for me and other survivors to emotionally feel and believe what we intellectually understand: our success does not invalidate our struggle.
- Sam Wall
- Heather Corinna
A short, fast, sex ed summary about masturbation.
- Emily Joy Allison-Hearn
Hello. I’m glad you’re here. I first just want you to know that I see you. I see you showing up here and maybe elsewhere, trying to learn, being open to new information and being willing to change and to grow. Intelligence, Stephen Hawking famously reminded us, is the ability to adapt to change. You’re smart, you’re doing your best and I believe in you. I know what it’s like to go your whole life being told one thing is true only to find out that actually, it isn’t. That’s happened to me so many times, on so many different topics, I’ve lost count. I know what it’s like to feel angry and disillusioned. I felt angry and disillusioned, too, when I began to realize that what I had been told about abortion was a lie.
- Emily Joy Allison-Hearn
I’m an HPV vaccine evangelist. Every opportunity I get, I stand on my metaphorical soap box and preach to everyone who will listen about why it’s so important to get vaccinated against HPV. But it wasn’t always like this.
- Heather Corinna
I want to first reassure you that I’m sure you’re not doing anything wrong, and that this isn’t about something being wrong with you. That includes whatever level of desire — or frequency of desire — you find you have for sex in general or with a partner. I also don’t think this is probably just…
- s.e. smith
When we talk about disabled people having awesome sex lives, sometimes something dehumanizing creeps into the mix: Some (usually nondisabled) people profess an “attraction to disability.” What they mean is they find disabled bodies — not disabled people — sexually stimulating. That means seeing your body as a sexual object. If that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up, you’re not alone.
- Sam Wall
You’re asking a common question Arty. I want to turn that question around a little. What difference would it make if this was baby fat? Your answer can tell you a lot about the messages about bodies, beauty, and worth you’ve internalized over the years. Everyone’s answer will be different, and I can…
- s.e. smith
Being disabled doesn’t mean you can’t have a rewarding and awesome sex life.