What I am hearing is…well, the reality that when it comes to love, we simply cannot often get everything we want, or have love happen in exactly the context we’d most prefer, or are most comfortable with. In a word, we often just can’t have everything (and as comedian Steven Wright once asked, if…
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Johanna Schorn
Relationships can be confusing enough as it is, but if you and your partner don’t live in the same area, it can get doubly complicated. If you’re thinking about entering an LDR, or if your relationship suddenly turned into an LDR due to changing circumstances, check out this article for some tips and pointers on how to make it work.
- Heather Corinna
What’s a “boyfriend” or what’s a “girlfriend?” It all depends on what you and yours decide it’s going to mean and what works best for you.
- Heather Corinna
We don’t condemn or dismiss any kind of relationship model around here. What model is right for any given person or couple is highly individual, and depends on what the people involve want and need. There’s no one right kind of relationship for everyone, and we’ve talked about casual sexual…