missed period

Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Heather Corinna

This is part of our Pregnancy Panic Companion. Click here to go back to the beginning. You said you are scared about a pregnancy, but your menstrual period (or your partner’s) is irregular or infrequent. Instructions for the timing of pregnancy tests talk about taking tests when a period is absent…

  • Heather Corinna

This page is part of our Pregnancy Panic Companion. Click here to go back to the beginning. You said you are scared about a pregnancy, and your menstrual period (or your partner’s) is late or missed OR that you (or your partner) have irregular or sporadic periods. For those in the late or missed…

  • Stephanie

The best rule of thumb when considering risk for pregnancy - always assume unless you’re using a reliable method of birth control that pregnancy can happen. The process that takes place in person who can become pregnant is called the menstrual cycle because it’s a full process that takes place, not…

  • Sarah Riley

Pregnancy tests, both the blood and the urine type, are pretty darn accurate these days. So if you’ve had two negative home tests (HPTs) and a negative test at the doctor’s office (assuming they were all correctly taken and done at least 14 days after the last time you were sexually active), then…

  • Sarah Riley

Bodies can do some pretty weird things sometimes. The unexpected can happen for reasons that not be apparent to us, even if everything has worked like clockwork in the past. There are lots of things that can cause a period to be late or to skip once in a while. Obviously, if you were pregnant you…

  • Sarah Riley

My first question in this case is, did your health care provider look into your menstrual difficulties or did they just slap you on the pill and assume that would solve the problem? If nobody really looked into your problem, then I’d suggest that you consider heading back to your provider (or a…

  • Heather Corinna

It’s so tragic that anyone is afraid to ask questions about something so important, but it’s an unfortunate reality for a lot of people. Just know that this isn’t a place where you need to be scared to ask anything, okay? This is what we’re here for! Is intercourse supposed to hurt? No, intercourse…

  • Heather Corinna

Hey there, anon. I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time right now. Without knowing what exactly your doctors had you taking, it’s hard for me to fully address your question with as best an answer as I can give. However, if you haven’t had any sort of period in two months, I would advise that you…

  • Susie Tang

If you feel you are at risk for an accidental pregnancy and are past the 120 hour mark for emergency contraception, you can wait until 10 days after the incident or after the first day your period is late to take a pregnancy test. It is much more likely to have a false negative pregnancy test than…