Many men – and people of all genders – will not and do not wait until marriage to engage in various kinds of sex with partners. That’s as true now as it was 20 or 50 years ago. For at least the last 100 years in the west, most people do engage in some kind of genital sexual activities with…
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Heather Corinna
Because you don’t want to have any kind of sex or a given kind of sex now, in a given relationship, or don’t feel ready now or in this relationship does not mean you won’t ever. There are many, many kinds of sex – not just intercourse, and sex also includes masturbation, having sex by ourselves…
- Heather Corinna
Does your relationship need a basic checkup to be sure it’s healthy and well? Here’s a list for doing just that.
- Heather Corinna
If he refuses to change his mind, then this isn’t someone to marry, or even stay with anymore. Legally and emotionally tying yourself to someone who doesn’t give you a voice both in the kind of sex you have and when you become pregnant is legally and emotionally tying yourself to a kind of sexual…
- Heather Corinna
Rape is when someone forces, coerces or nags you to do ANY kind of sexual activity you don’t want to engage in, or when someone has sex ON you or TO you, rather than 100% WITH you. A partner forcing his hands into your pants and fingering you when you do not want that is a rape. Whether or not it…