
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Sam Wall

Hi Lisa, You can’t see it, but I’m holding a stop sign up to the computer screen right now, because you need to hit the brakes when it comes to your friend and his oh-so-generous offer to help you cheat on your boyfriend. That’s what he’s offering, by the way; it’s not sexual physical therapy if you…

  • Heather Corinna

This kind of thing is not an issue with your genitals changing in any way. It has more to do with your mind. One big thing that has long been the conundrum of married and long-term couples everywhere when it comes to sex is the fact that our libidos really do tend to thrive on changing things up…

  • Heather Corinna

Everyone’s libido varies, as does everyone’s sexuality. In other words, the sexual appetite of a person isn’t determined by their biological sex or gender. Some women have lower libidos than some men; some men have lower libidos than some women. Too, these things also vary based on the specific two…

  • Heather Corinna

A young person is very unlikely to need or benefit from hormone therapy to help with sexual desire. And if she’s already been on many different types of birth control pills, it’s relatively safe to say that if hormonal BC is the issue here, then her best bet is to switch to another contraceptive…

  • Heather Corinna

Plenty! Without more information than that, it’s hard for me to know what’s been part of your sexual activity. For instance, if by sexually active, you just mean with partners – for any activity – then I’d suggest going back to your own drawing board, with your own two hands, and finding out about…