Bleeding for more than two weeks at a time is a good reason to see a doctor, at least to make sure you haven’t become anemic (iron deficient) due to blood loss, and to rule out pregnancy as a cause of the bleeding if that is a possibility. It is most common for a period to last 4-6 days, but…
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Susie Tang
Generally, people who get periods can expect the unexpected with their menstrual cycles for the first 5 years of having them. Even then, it’s still common for young people to have erratic cycling into their early twenties. That means you’re normal. Even if your period has been totally well-behaved…
- Heather Corinna
I just want to start by debunking something first, okay? There really is no distinction to be made between “some” intercourse and “full” intercourse. In other words, an inch or so in, is as much of intercourse as a few more. Given how much penis sizes can vary, as well as the fact that the nerve…