Fat folks have unique needs when it comes to body care and we often aren’t ever taught what those needs are. This guide is here to help fix that. It’s here to walk you through some of the starting steps I took for myself that revolutionized the way I cared for my fat body, especially my skin.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Siân Jones
Hi there! It sounds like you’re describing a build-up of smegma* - that’s dead skin cells mixed with oils and fluids produced by your genitals. The good news is that this is totally normal! Vulvas and penises alike can produce it. Regular, gentle washing should be enough to manage it. The clitoral…
- Heather Corinna
Handwashing, seriously? Yep, handwashing. Seriously. (Well, mostly seriously.) Here’s how to do it and why it’s so important to do.
- Heather Corinna
I feel your pain. Big time. I have had times in my life where UTIs were something I could count on more than the sun coming up every day, owing the IRS money while people who made 100 times more than I do in a year didn’t, and never getting a seat on the subway during rush hour. I know too well how…
- Heather Corinna
If you are obsessively scrubbing and scrubbing like Lady Macbeth, that in and of itself may be a big part of this issue. The vagina is a self-cleaning organ. It’s also an organ that doesn’t tend to respond well to soaps, douches, and other cleansing agents, because those things can knock off the…
- Sarah Riley
Cigarettes are bad for you, but they’re still sold all over the place. I was at the store just the other day and saw a frozen breakfast meal that contained 115% of your sodium intake for the day! There’s no way that can be good for you, but it’s still on the shelves. In fact, for many years in the…
- Sarah Riley
Absolutely! Hands are pretty darn dirty places. I mean, think about all the things we touch in a given day! Your hands can definitely carry bacteria and germs on them. Those nasties can then easily make their way into your body if a partner performs manual sex on you. Vaginal tissue is pretty…
- Heather Corinna
It’s generally agreed that when switching from one pill to the next, you do not have to worry about being without effective protection, so long as you didn’t take more than a one-week placebo period between the two types of pills. The douching is a larger issue. Douching – when specific douches at…
- Heather Corinna
Many people engage in oral sex, and find it a pleasurable of sexual activity. So long as you engage in it responsibly, it’s just as normal, healthy, safe and natural as any other kind of genital sex. Here are the answers to some of your most common questions – no secrets, no flashing lights and sirens, just the lowdown on going down.