Fat folks have unique needs when it comes to body care and we often aren’t ever taught what those needs are. This guide is here to help fix that. It’s here to walk you through some of the starting steps I took for myself that revolutionized the way I cared for my fat body, especially my skin.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Sam Wall
- Bevin Branlandingham
All bodies are worthy of love exactly as they are! We only ever get to have one body in this life and having a peaceful relationship with it is quality of life. If humans could learn to honor the wisdom coming through our bodies as children and understand every body is unique I think we could transform our society.
- Gabriel Leão
With her book Curvy Girl Sex: 101 Body-Positive Positions to Empower Your Sex Life (Fair Winds Press, 2017) Elle Chase gave us a guide for methods, positions and sex hacks for fat lovers with a range of different body types, centering all kinds of people who have long had their sexuality marginalized, denied or erased. In a conversation with Scarleteen, Chase talks about the book, how the media is changing its portrayal of fat people, the relevance of the word “plus size,” and her personal experiences with her own body acceptance and sexual journey.
- Sam Wall
You’re asking a common question Arty. I want to turn that question around a little. What difference would it make if this was baby fat? Your answer can tell you a lot about the messages about bodies, beauty, and worth you’ve internalized over the years. Everyone’s answer will be different, and I can…
- Ruthie
Congratulations on starting college and on your great new relationship with a guy who means a lot and treats you well! This is an exciting time in many ways, and I’m glad to hear that you’re interested in waiting on getting sexual until you both feel ready for it. It sounds like you just started…
- Heather Corinna
(Porte’s question continued) I’m ashamed of my body. I’m scared of showing him. All my life I’ve been made fun of for being ‘fat’ my whole life basically. I don’t care what people say about me anymore (usually) and I like myself. Kinda. I don’t think of myself as like…this huge chick who stuffs…
- Heather Corinna
(CMH’s question continued) He likes petite girls, as do most guys. I am tall (for a woman) and big. I weigh over 200 pounds, though I carry it well. I do not have a pretty face, though I would not call it ugly. It is also not particularly interesting. He told me that even though I have a good…
- Heather Corinna
Who says you’re not as hot as someone who weighs less than you, gal? In other words, it’s entirely possible this guy is attracted to a hot girl: you. Not everyone shares the same aesthetics when it comes to who we’re attracted to, nor does everyone subscribe to a given set of beauty ideals or…
- Susie Tang
First up, I think you ought to rent a movie called ‘Real Women Have Curves.’ It stars America Ferrera, and is about a fat girl who has to deal with all the usual teen stuff: family, boyfriend and going to college. I think you’d identify with it and probably learn something from it. At the least, it…
- Ophira Edut
This is not another diet guide. It will not show you how to lose ten pounds by Thanksgiving. It will not introduce you to a new set of “miracle ab crunches” or rave about the latest liposuction advances. And there will be no butt pads, silicone, or fat-free recipes to share.