
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Mo Ranyart

I certainly don’t think any kind of clothing, jewelry, or other accessory is inherently for one gender and not another. Any of these things possess only the meaning we put on them, but that meaning doesn’t always make sense to everyone, and isn’t universal across cultures. So while I can’t say that…

  • Valerie Jaharis

Historically, trans people and disabled people have had vocal training to change the way their voices sound; sometimes by choice and sometimes by way of strong culture pressure of what a gender and the voice of a person whose gender that is “should” sound like. Scarleteen volunteer Val was thrilled to sit down with a teacher who approaches the voice completely differently; not in the pursuit of “normal” or with an attitude of “fixing” but rather in the pursuit of uplifting self-expression and showing people the power of the tools their body has to express themselves.

  • Heather Corinna

It’s obviously important if you’re here for information that you know what we mean when we say “sex,” so we thought we’d make it clear.

  • Heather Corinna

I tend to think the best way of saying I love you is…well, saying “I love you.” But if you’re asking if sex can express love? Sure it can. It doesn’t always, but it absolutely always has that potential. People being mutually invested in each other’s comfort and pleasure, each other’s sexual growth…