Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Leslie Massicotte, M.Ed.

Folks who have or have had eating disorders have a unique set of challenges when it comes to pregnancy. In this article, we’ll explore some of these challenges, offer up some considerations if you’re pregnant and have struggled or do currently struggle with disordered eating, and provide some ways to find support.

  • Heather Corinna

This happens. I know that probably sounds cliché, but you need to understand that no matter how old you are, how much sleep you have had, how much you want to have sex, how turned on you are, your penis is neither a machine nor an obedient soldier. It’s a part of your body, like any other, and just…

  • Heather Corinna

You know, it can be pretty stressful for guys to feel like they have to have an erection… OR ELSE. It can also be very stressful for anyone to have intercourse for the first time or with a new partner. The real pisser is that stress is one of the most common reasons a guy won’t get an erection or…

  • Heather Corinna

How familiar are you with the changes to your vulva or the rest of your body when you get sexually aroused? I ask this, because I’m willing to bet that there have been times, for you, when you’re with a partner you’re attracted to, and who you want to be with, but find that your clitoris is not as…

  • Heather Corinna

People tend to forget that young men often may not even be at the stage in their sexual development where erections happen often or easily or where they can yet ejaculate. Some guys are just starting puberty at 14 or 15. Your boyfriend simply may not be at this stage in his development yet. But…

  • Heather Corinna

A person who has a strong ethical or religious conflict with having any kind of sex, or sex in certain scenarios – such as being unmarried, if they feel sex is really only right in the context of marriage – is very likely to have that inhibit their sexual response. As well, it’s very normal for…

  • Sarah Riley

A couple of years ago, I learned to knit and I got really really interested in knitting. Anytime I was sitting still (and sometimes when I was moving) I was knitting. But then, after a while, I sorta stopped getting that urge to knit everytime I sat still. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy knitting. It…

  • Heather Corinna

Hey Dan: thanks for the props. :) ED drugs really aren’t intended for younger men, nor for the occasional problem with ED. Rather, they’re intended for a very persistent and ongoing problem, over time, and for older men who have ED for physical reasons due to aging or another medical condition (like…