Do you really need that pelvic exam? Here’s a quick primer of how to figure out if you do and how to talk to your healthcare about it, including if they say you do when you think you don’t or just don’t want one.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Heather Corinna
You’re not the only person confused by this term, so let’s see if we can’t clear it up for everyone once and for all. When healthcare professionals ask that question, they are asking from a sexual health perspective. In other words, what they are wanting to know is if a patient or client has…
- Heather Corinna
While some doctors may choose not to see children or adolescents in their practice, period – because they just don’t specialize in that group – it sounds far more likely your stepmother was simply being dishonest with you. If her doctor was someone who chose only to see adults, he or she most…
- Heather Corinna
(Jane’s question, continued) What we did was very irresponsible I understand that and since I was 17 I’ve been very careful with these things because at age 17 I fell pregnant WHILE taking the pill correctly. My then BF made me have an abortion. He took my by the hand and had it all arranged. I…
- Heather Corinna
Hey there, anon. I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time right now. Without knowing what exactly your doctors had you taking, it’s hard for me to fully address your question with as best an answer as I can give. However, if you haven’t had any sort of period in two months, I would advise that you…
- Susie Tang
Has your girlfriend ever had a pelvic exam? If no, or if not lately, then she should visit her doctor and get checked out. That’s the only way she’ll figure out what that lump is. The best I could suggest is it may be her cervix. That’s the lower tip of the uterus, and it feels like a rounded bump…
- Heather Corinna
Most topical antibiotics state on the label that they aren’t to be used on mucous membranes, alas. But you can certainly check the label on any topical antibiotics you have around the house to see. So, with a genital injury – I’m assuming you mean you have an injury around your vaginal opening? –…
- Heather Corinna
Sarah, Sometimes, some folks just have REALLY sensitive noses, and will be convinced their genitals smell awful when they smell completely normal. That might be the case here with you. Too, if that profuse discharge is only happening for a few days once each menstrual cycle, that may simply be the…
- Heather Corinna
It’s absolutely normal for your partner to need some time to get fully aroused before intercourse is comfortable or even wanted. The vagina doesn’t really have a static state of “tightness” or “looseness.” When nothing is inside the vagina – or nothing is being introduced to it – the vaginal walls…