Thanks to the advent of medical abortion, we can now learn how to access and administer safe abortion for ourselves. This guide provides accurate information and resources about how to access and use safe abortion methods.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Heather Corinna
RespectIsSexy’s question continued We share a room, and often if I walk in unannounced I’ll find her seemingly lying on the bed doing absolutely nothing, looking irritatedly at me - the exact position I can be found in if interrupted masturbating. In light of this, I really think it’s necessary that…
- Heather Corinna
If what you are having is, in fact, an allergic reaction, then you can treat it like any other allergy. You can take a general allergy medication, like a Benadryl tablet. In terms of your genital symptoms and soothing them fast, I’d suggest a cool, bubble-less bath. You might try adding oatmeal to…
- Heather Corinna
There sure is! Per your cramps, it partially depends on why you’re having them. So, the first thing you will want to do, especially if they are severe, and if you have other menstrual issues, is to check in with your gynecologist or other reproductive health professional and make sure you don’t have…