
  • Heather Corinna

Really, truly, the longer we're in relationships, the more we're going to go through times when for one partner or the other -- sometimes both -- libidos are low or sex just isn't a high priority. That's okay. To expect our sex lives as time goes on to resemble how they were when we were brand new...

  • Sarah Riley

Vaginal dryness can have lots of different causes. Especially if you're having dryness all the time (even when you're not aroused or sexually active as well), you'll want to first check out the other things going on in your life and see if there's a cause there. Some medications and certain...

  • Sarah Riley

The term "prude" is such a heavily loaded, judgmental term that I'd really encourage you not to apply it to yourself or anybody else. The implications that come along with that are just not very helpful, so I'd suggest removing that from the way you're thinking about your situation. There are lots...

  • Heather Corinna

For the record, there isn't anything abnormal about oral sex: it's a very common practice. People (and other animals) have been engaging in oral sex for a mighty long time. As well, the risks of infections from oral sex are actually substantially less in most cases than from vaginal intercourse, and...

  • Heather Corinna

Travis, it sounds like you do already seem to have a pretty good idea of what her concerns are, and it sounds like you're doing a great job in trying to be sure that whatever you do is something you both can feel good about. In other words, I think you need my help less than you probably think that...

  • Heather Corinna

This is as fine a place to ask as any. :) You know, this is the case with most people with any kind of emotional maturity who knows that people are more than two-dimensional and sex is about people, not appearances or our ideas about people based on appearance. Of course, we can look at someone in a...

  • Heather Corinna

It seems to me that you're dismissing the fact that your girlfriend may have her own sexual desires, too. Now, whether or not you're who she wants to explore them with, or whether or not she feels like it's the right time in your relationship to do that is something else, but if you two like each...

  • Heather Corinna

Before I say anything else, just know that you get to feel whatever you feel, and that there isn't anything wrong with either not feeling ready for -- or just plain old not wanting -- any given sexual activity. Anything I say from here on out is not intended to influence you to make any one choice...

  • Sarah Riley

Well, it's important to remember that bodies are not machines and they're not exactly the same all the time. Just like many other things in our lives, our desire for sexual activity can wax and wane over time. In other words, everybody goes through periods where they may be interested in sex (of any...

  • Heather Corinna

It's really normal, as a relationship goes on over time, for sex to take a bit more of a backseat. It's also common for things to be very high-key sexually when people first start dating. Novelty -- something or someone being new -- tends to put a high into many people's sex drives, and when that...