A short, fast, sex ed summary about crushes, and some simple dos and don’ts when you have one.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Sam Wall
Young people don’t arrive at their conclusions about appropriate romantic behavior in a vacuum; they’re influenced by a myriad of messages, including input from the adults in their lives. Sometimes that input includes ideas that end up exacerbating issues around rejection and dating. One of the ways we can work towards a world in which acts like this no longer happen, a world in which people, and women in particular, aren’t afraid their “no” will make them a target of violence, is to make a concerted effort to help the young people in our lives learn to deal with rejection in healthy ways. With that in mind, we’ve put together recommendations to assist adults in doing exactly that.
- Heather Corinna
Here’s the short answer: personally, what I call it is just being alive. The world can be a really beautiful place, and so can all of the people in it. When we’re observant, open, and not feeling horribly bitter or distraught about ourselves or our world, we tend to notice and appreciate beauty…
- Lena
You two always talk about joke around in class, brightening each others’ school day. You laugh at each others’ jokes, which is always special and not to be underrated! Although there may be some differences in your physical appearances, you have very many deeper things in common- and that’s what’s…
- Heather Corinna
(Andi’s question continued) I’ve googled the internet for explanations. I guess I’m trying to prove to him and myself that this is just a phase he’s going through. I really want to believe he is actually not gay, just curious about different sexual orientations. Can I be right, because he never had…