Hi Lisa, You can't see it, but I'm holding a stop sign up to the computer screen right now, because you need to hit the brakes when it comes to your friend and his oh-so-generous offer to help you cheat on your boyfriend. That's what he's offering, by the way; it's not sexual physical therapy if you...
- Hollie West
Hi Merie, For the record, that awkward sex happens from time to time, no matter who you are, how many partners you've had, and how many times you've been with said partner. It's okay, and it's completely normal. You aren't doing anything wrong either. Have you told him that while you enjoy being on...
- Heather Corinna
(Minny's question continued) Still, I seem to be the odd one out and I find it distressing. I broached the subject with him recently, merely suggesting that I hadn't actively enjoyed the way we'd had sex (not even that I disliked it) and he'd got very worried and hurt and said that I should have...
- Heather Corinna
It's important to remember that partnered sex isn't just about your preferences and wants, it's also about the preferences and wants of your partner. Partnered sex isn't a solo: it's a duet, and what you're going for is harmony. You're going to find those wants and preferences out by experimenting...