
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Sam Wall

There’s a short answer and a long answer to your question. The short answer is: yes, someone can enjoy “feminine” things like make-up or dresses and still be a feminist. We don’t have a dress code you have to follow to be part of the club. The long answer is that there are many reasons why you, and…

  • Sam Wall

Sparknolee’s question continued: Whenever we’re out, he says he sees boys look at me and he wants to punch them. I find this is too far as he even admitted himself he sees “hot girls” when he’s out but has assured that he never sees them as a girlfriend. I understand that. Whenever he says he…

  • Mo Ranyart

I’m going to make probably the biggest understatement of the year: gender is complicated. As obvious a statement as that is, it’s still true, and I think it’s worth repeating. I think one thing a lot of people - even many gender-savvy folks or fellow trans people - sometimes forget is that there are…