No. No kind of sex can change the shape or size of your body (sparing something temporary and small, like erections or clitoral swelling because of being aroused). If you become pregnant due to any given kind of sex you can have shape or size changes, but that’s about it. To find out about what…
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Sarah Riley
Breastfeeding can have a variety of impacts on one’s periods. Some people will start having periods again soon after birth (even if they are breastfeeding). Others may not start having periods again for 6 months or more. Some never have a period until they stop breastfeeding entirely. This is really…
- Heather Corinna
I sure can. Around ten to twenty percent of all women have flat or inverted nipples (and some men have them, too). So, suggesting that having something different is not how a nipple is “supposed” to be doesn’t make any more sense than suggesting that because only around 4% of the population are…
- Susie Tang
For the same reasons that your hair color is what it is. For the same reason you are as tall as you are. And for the same reasons other women have large nipples: It’s a blend of genetics and environmental influences. Depending on your genetic make-up and your upbringing (nutrition, chemical…