body changes

Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Katie Alexander

There isn’t any right or wrong way to navigate sexual intimacy with a partner throughout pregnancy. It’s all about finding what feels comfortable for yourself, and your partner, physically and emotionally. Changes in sexual desire are normal and will usually occur at some point, but the changes — like greater or lesser interest in sex, or interest in new things — are entirely unique to you.

  • Heather Corinna

If we have the idea that puberty or pregnancy are the only big body changes we’ll experience in life, and we come to perimenopause or menopause not understanding that they, too, are another big phase with some big change, it can be a real shock. However and whenever you might get to menopause or the menopausal transition, knowing about it in advance will always make the experience better. Whether you want to find out about it way in advance, you’re in or approaching some form of it now – like POI or with hysterectomy – or you want to know more to support someone in it in your life, here’s a place to start.