Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Kelli Dunham RN BSN

Thanks for your question and for sharing so much with us. You ended your question with “What am I doing wrong?” I wanted to start by inviting you to consider all the many, many things you are doing to make your life better: being open with the people in your life about your identity, going to…

  • Heather Corinna

Sade is 17 and works as a youth activist for YWCHAC, a program for and by young women of color that helps foster their development in advocacy training while providing them with the skills to be effective peer-educators to youth on the subject of sexual health. Their mission is to address the increasing rates of HIV infection in young women of color ages 13-24. I got the chance to ask Sade about what she does, why she does it, and what she thinks about some of the issues that impact HIV and young women.