Sorry-not-sorry, but this sucks! I know it and you know it; maybe it’d be best if we let it show.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Heather Corinna
A starter guide to managing and resolving interpersonal conflict.
- Heather Corinna
frenchiemathwhiz’s question continued: I was standing by him because I’ve freaked out about stuff before, and I thought he was there for me. But apparently not. Anyway, we were each other’s first sexual partners—vaginal, oral, etc. I’m moving to a new city and a new job in a few weeks (something I…
- Heather Corinna
The big emotion that comes through what you’ve written here isn’t love or loyalty. It’s anger. Big, big anger, in giant waves, in what you’re saying and in how you’ve said it. There is so much here – far more, I think, than your boyfriend using porn, or what’s in the porn he’s looking at – that a…
- Heather Corinna
Looking at what you’ve posted, and given he knows that not only does anal sex not feel good for you, it causes you pain, I’d be inclined to agree that there’s probably something very unhealthy going on here interpersonally. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to give someone tips on how to do something…