age gap

Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Heather Corinna

There are a few things you mentioned here that I suspect you wanted to have addressed in depth, but I think it’s really important that for right now, I do what I can to help you with what seems the most critical. I think it’s crucial you get some help as quickly as you can, and I don’t want my words…

  • Heather Corinna

Do I think you should just suck it up, take these photos and share them? No. First and foremost because, depending on the content and level of nudity, doing so could be as consequentially serious as a felony on both of your parts. So it’s clear right from the start and in a way you can’t miss it: I…

  • Heather Corinna

He may be older but he’s not wiser, and he’s not acting like a grownup. He doesn’t want to grow up, which is part of why he’s dating people he perceives as not grownup themselves. He also doesn’t have the bad stuff that happens to you because of him happen to him to make him want to change: if he was in your shoes, he’d ditch him in a heartbeat.

  • Nicole

Is your boyfriend or girlfriend more than a couple of years older than you? Here’s a scoop on age differences and what to watch out for.

  • Heather Corinna

If you took your pregnancy tests two weeks after your last risk, you can feel pretty confident in the negative results you got. If you did not wait that long, you’ll want to retest when it has been two weeks since your last risk. It would be early to have pregnancy symptoms already from a risk two…

  • Heather Corinna

If you’re not comfortable with anything sexual at any time, then the answer is always to make clear to a partner that you aren’t comfortable with what they want, and wait until you are comfortable with whatever that thing is. If you never are, that’s okay. It’s pretty rare that any two people will…

  • Heather Corinna

You know, while five years isn’t a big age difference between people who are, say 35 and 40, it can be a lot bigger between people who are 15 and 20. Think abut it like this: at 20, your boyfriend has literally already lived 25% longer than you have, just a little less than you’ve outlived someone…

  • Heather Corinna

Is your period late? If it is, then by all means, take a pregnancy test, as withdrawal is one of the least effective methods of birth control in typical use. If you don’t know when to expect your period, or your periods are often irregular, then just take a test when it’s been around 14 days since…

  • Heather Corinna

Before we get into anything else, I want to debunk a few things you’ve said here that don’t have any real basis. He wants more sex than me. Big surprise. He’s a man. Men don’t automatically want more sex than women. Not all men and all women, not even most men and most women. Mind, we can say that…