
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Jahia LaSangoma

There was a text from him: “Sorry about last night.” There were calls. Then more texts: “Babe are you ok?” When I responded: “You raped me,” he stopped reaching out.

  • Lisa Laman

Being autistic, some things just haven’t come as naturally for me as they seem to for other people. Unfortunately, these have included hallmarks of American life often used to symbolize being “an adult” like driving on my own or getting my first paid job. But human beings are not on a strict timetable to do all the same things at the same time. This is just as true of dating like anything else. Just because you (or I) haven’t been actively dating when a lot of other people in your life have doesn’t make you (or me) a failure. You’re just on your own timetable. So am I.

  • Heather Corinna

We have a good piece on safety when it comes to online relationships and meeting up here, but let’s review the basics and talk about you and this situation specifically. Meeting someone who you don’t know in person and haven’t met before alone, especially if and when they may feel you agreed to be…

  • Heather Corinna

Just because someone might want something from someone else doesn’t mean it’s right for that other person, either person, or that the time when they want it is the right time for it to happen. Few people in their early teens have a lot of what is needed in order to have healthy and satisfying sexual…

  • Heather Corinna

helovesme31’s question continued: He used to smoke weed but he stopped cause I didn’t approve. I’m thankful he made that change but now I feel pressured into having sex with him. I lost my virginity to a big ass sleazy guy and then kept having sex with other men, they really were mean telling me I…

  • Heather Corinna

Good question! I wish I had an answer to give you as succinct and simple as your question. The answer is that it depends. Many countries have age of consent (AOC) laws that are federal, or the same throughout a whole nation, so it just depends then on what country you’re in. If you’re not in one of…

  • Heather Corinna

I can’t make these choices for you, and I think it’s really important you make and own your own choices in relationships and in sex once you start choosing to have them be part of your life. What I can do for you is to try and give you some extra information and perspective, based on what you’ve…

  • Heather Corinna

I’m writing this because someone told you that you can’t understand or experience love at your age. If no one did yet, they probably will soon enough. I’m writing to tell you that if you’ve heard that, I just don’t think it’s true.

  • Heather Corinna

Do you think you or your friends are too young to know if you’re straight? Hint: there’s actually no right answer to that one. If you say yes, people at 14 can know they’re heterosexual, then it only makes sense to posit that if a person can know they are one orientation at that age, they can know…

  • Susie Tang

Second question first: Correct and consistent condom use is a highly effective way to prevent the spread of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. As for teens and condoms there are a few issues at hand, and most of them can be remedied with the right education and information. Teens sometimes have…