(Wo)men Speak Out

(Wo)Men Speak Out’s flagship program consists of keynote delivered by Chris and Ophelia. It includes an ambitious address that analyzes the nature of abuse⁠ from multiple perspectives. Often generating the liveliest discussions, it is a no-holds-barred approach to addressing the issues that go unaddressed by most institutions. Chris and Ophelia apply the lessons learned from personally handpicked films and tailor dialogue to the issues affecting the student community. They talk about the experience, the myths, the madness, and turn it Inside Out.

Fraternity Program

Calling All Greeks was created by Christopher & Ophelia as an interactive program to help educate young men on the seriousness of rape⁠ and their roles in reversing the issue on campus and in their neighborhoods. Through dialogue and information giving, young men learn how to create empowerment through non-violence & implement programs of prevention, becoming leaders in their communities. One out⁠ of four women will be sexually assaulted on a college campus.

One out of four women will be sexually assaulted on a college campus. Make a new pledge for rush week. Book (Wo)Men Speak Out for a workshop or keynote engagement.

Female only speaking engagements

What are the mechanisms that attack our self-image and condition women to perpetuate this assault onto themselves? How do the media, the magazines we read, and the television programs we watch all conspire to limit our sense of ourselves and hinder our ultimate potential? Specially tailored towards the female college populace, Don’t Waste The Pretty is an honest conversation about the negative, limiting effects of society. Ophelia discusses her own personal journey as a survivor of childhood abuse, intimate partner⁠ violence, and addiction. This program teaches women the tools needed to empower themselves and each other. Don’t Waste The Pretty is not just a wake up call, but a call to action.

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