This workbook is a free pdf that guides people through all the pregnancy (pregnancy: The state of carrying a developing embryo or fetus within the uterus. Medically, someone is considered to be pregnant when an egg has been fertilized by sperm, cells divide, and the fertilized egg is implanted within the lining of the uterus.) options.
“We have done our best to give you a realistic picture of all the choices you can make—abortion (abortion: A procedure to intentionally end a pregnancy before a birth. Miscarriage is also sometimes called “spontaneous abortion,” even though it is usually not intended.) , adoption, and parenting. You will find exercises to help you make the best decision for you. We have done our best to make this workbook inclusive to all individuals and included information and thoughts on religion and spirituality, fetal development, and what can harm a pregnancy. There is a special section called Taking Care of Yourself which includes information on morning sickness, birth control (birth control: Any number of methods people use to intentionally prevent unwanted pregnancy, including the condom, the cervical barrier, the implant, the patch, the pill, the rhythm method, the ring, the shot, the IUD, spermicide and withdrawal.) , protecting your fertility (fertility: The ability to become pregnant or other things having to do with becoming pregnant (eg, “the fertility clinic”).) , and healthy sexuality. We have included a section for gender (gender: Characteristics that are seen or presented as distinguishing between male and female in a society. Gender may or may not include assigned or chosen: social roles, feelings, behaviors and/or presentation or appearance.) non-conforming pregnant people, understanding that this can add an additional layer of complexity.”