Leslie Massicotte, M.Ed.

    Articles and Advice in this area:

    • Leslie Massicotte, M.Ed.

    It’s common to feel hesitant about having sex again in the postpartum period. Let’s talk through some of the changes you can expect and what you can do if you are feeling ready to safely get your sexy back on.

    • Leslie Massicotte, M.Ed.

    If you’re pregnant for the first time, or if things seem a little different with this pregnancy than with previous pregnancies, it might feel scary not knowing what’s happening as you experience big changes. Learning to pay attention to how you and your body are feeling and changing – whether or not you know why – is really important to ensure a safe pregnancy.

    • Leslie Massicotte, M.Ed.

    Folks who have or have had eating disorders have a unique set of challenges when it comes to pregnancy. In this article, we’ll explore some of these challenges, offer up some considerations if you’re pregnant and have struggled or do currently struggle with disordered eating, and provide some ways to find support.

    • Leslie Massicotte, M.Ed.

    You may have heard of postpartum depression (when you get depressed after pregnancy), but we don’t really hear much about how to handle being pregnant if you came to it already depressed. Educator Leslie Masicotte takes a deep dive into some considerations for pregnancy, birth, and early parenting if you have depression.

    • Leslie Massicotte, M.Ed.

    Some folks decide that during birth they want a partner to be present; others want a different family member – be they blood relative or chosen family – or someone else entirely to accompany them. Birth doulas can be a great option if you are looking for some additional support, especially around the emotional aspects of labor and childbirth.