Here at Scarleteen we view being a sexual person and having a disability, or two or three, as just as normal as any other human variation.
We also know, though, that there isn’t a lot of disability-positive material out there, and even less material related to sex ed.
As an educator and advocate of healthy sexuality, who also has some disabilities, I think it’s pretty important for people to have accurate information, but also to see themselves and their experiences included in the conversations we have about sexuality.
We get a lot of negative, or vague messages about sex, and people with disabilities often get left out of the conversation completely. Both topics—sexuality and disability—have loads of social and psychological complexities around them. So, I’ve put together a list of resources that put people with various kinds of disabilities smack dab back in the middle of the conversation.
You’ll notice that a lot of the information is the same as the standard material on sex and relationships, including topics like self-esteem, body image, and contraception. There are more similarities than differences when it comes to the way people with disabilities experience sex and relationships, but there are enough differences that we need to start talking about them.
- The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability: For All of Us Who Live with Disabilities, Chronic Pain, and Illnessexternal link, opens in a new tab
- Queer Crips: Disabled Gay Men and Their Storiesexternal link, opens in a new tab
- The Sexual Politics of Disability: Untold Desires
by Tom Shakespeare, Kath Gillespie-Sells and Dominic Davies Out of print, but well worth the read if you can find a copy.) - Exile & Pride: Disability, Queerness and Liberationexternal link, opens in a new tab
At Scarleteen:
- Disabled Sex Yes!
- Intercourse and Pleasure with a Spinal Cord Injury
- Depression has sapped my libido. Will it ruin my relationship?
- Body and Sexuality Disconnects with Disability
- Disability Dharma: What Including and Learning From Disability Can Teach Everyone About Sex
- No Big Deal: Sex And Disability
- How Can I give my Sister a Good Sex Education?
- Sex Not Working
- Can I start dating when I have a mental illness?
Other Sites and Organizations:
- Disability and Body Image (from Outsiders)external link, opens in a new tab
- Self-Advocates Speak Up About Sexexternal link, opens in a new tab
- blindness and sexualityexternal link, opens in a new tab
- Myths About Sex and Disabilityexternal link, opens in a new tab
- Deaf Queer Resource Centerexternal link, opens in a new tab
- Sins Invalid: An Unshamed Claim to Beauty in the Face of Invisibilityexternal link, opens in a new tab
- An Interview with Eli Clare: The Challenge of Differenceexternal link, opens in a new tab
- Sexual Health Education for AAC usersexternal link, opens in a new tab
- Speak UP: Safeguarding People Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Against Sexual Abuse/Victimizationexternal link, opens in a new tab
- Sexual Vocabulary Lists for People Who Use Augmentative And Alternative Communication (AAC) devicesexternal link, opens in a new tab
- Sex and Disability Barriersexternal link, opens in a new tab
- Talking About Sex and Relationships: The Views of Young People with Learning Disabilities (pdf file)external link, opens in a new tab
- Ask Alice: How can Boyfriend With Cerebral Palsy Get IN Touch With His Body?external link, opens in a new tab
- Ask Alice: Sex and Disabilitiesexternal link, opens in a new tab
- Sexual Vocabulary Terms IN Sign Languageexternal link, opens in a new tab
- Sex Education for Physically Disabled Teenagersexternal link, opens in a new tab
- Sexual Side Effects of Medicationsexternal link, opens in a new tab
- Sexual Health and Disability Allianceexternal link, opens in a new tab
- Queer Disability Conference 2002external link, opens in a new tab
- GimpGirlexternal link, opens in a new tab
Do you have a resource to share?
Email us and we’ll add it to the list.