Mo Ranyart

    Articles and Advice in this area:

    • Mo Ranyart

    This is a great question. I can really sympathize with how all of these elements can make socializing more difficult and how frustrating that can be, especially at a time when you may feel like you want extra support from the people in your life. I don’t think there’s one clear solution here, but I…

    • Mo Ranyart

    Pride is difficult for me this year, as I imagine it may be for many others. For a lot of reasons, I’ve struggled to feel much hope recently. Maybe some of you reading this can relate. I’ve never lived in a world where queer and trans people didn’t face discrimination, demonization, threats of…

    • Mo Ranyart

    I certainly don’t think any kind of clothing, jewelry, or other accessory is inherently for one gender and not another. Any of these things possess only the meaning we put on them, but that meaning doesn’t always make sense to everyone, and isn’t universal across cultures. So while I can’t say that…

    • Mo Ranyart

    Just like with any kind of relationship, there’s no way that a FWB setup looks for everyone who chooses one. The short answer is that being friends with benefits is whatever the people involved agree that it should be, so you’ll have to ask your potential partner some questions and share your own…

    • Mo Ranyart

    First off, you aren’t alone in being turned off by “hardcore BDSM” or in feeling like you aren’t really seeing a wider range of nuanced depictions of dominant/submissive relationships with which you might identify more easily. It’s true that there’s a mainstream image of d/s dynamics that many…

    • Mo Ranyart

    I want to start by answering your question about whether it’s normal or common for bisexual people to doubt their orientation, because it’s something I’ve seen often, both in my experience as a volunteer here at Scarleteen and as a person with a lot of bisexual friends and acquaintances. I’m not…

    • Mo Ranyart

    First off, I’m so glad that your family has shown you so much support. Everyone deserves to have loving support from friends and family if and when they choose to come out to them, and it’s great that your family’s standing behind you right now. Their acceptance and support of your bisexuality is a…

    • Mo Ranyart

    Letters from the author to himself in his teens and early 20s, as he tries to sort out multiple facets of his identity.

    • Mo Ranyart

    I’ll answer your last question first, since it has an easy answer: no, you aren’t too old to be waiting to feel attraction to someone. There isn’t an age that’s “too old” when it comes to feeling attraction; even if there was, sixteen wouldn’t be it! People can experience attraction in vastly…

    • Mo Ranyart

    First off, in case it helps to hear this: it’s all right to want to break up with your boyfriend. You’re allowed to end a relationship for any reason, and “I only want to date women, and my partner is now very clearly not a woman” is a perfectly valid one. Sometimes, a person’s gender transition…