James Elliott

    Articles and Advice in this area:

    • James Elliott

    Having sex with another person, regardless of their gender or yours, can always pose health risks, especially if you do not use proper precautions to protect yourselves from those risks. In the case of sex with another person with a penis (or with anyone, for that matter), the risk of acquiring an…

    • James Elliott

    Meyli’s question continued: Last night, he went out with a couple guy friends, and they went to a fastfood place for dinner. One of the workers, a middle-aged man, touched him (can I say he grabbed his ass?) innapropriately. He was really freaked out by that, obviously anyone would be. It was a…

    • James Elliott

    He gets close every time you try. I interpret that as you are using various techniques that he really enjoys, but then maybe you opt for a different technique or vary its pace. These changes can quickly take a guy from the verge of reaching an orgasm to simply enjoying the sensation. Of all the…

    • James Elliott

    For all the peeps who aren’t familiar with the term ED, we’re talking about Erectile Dysfunction or impotence. And, yes, it’s normal and happens to a lot of people with penises. I strongly suggest you see a urologist regarding your ED, especially for a person your age. You limited erection can be…

    • James Elliott

    I came out of the proverbial closet when I was 15, in high school, and in the student newspaper. A sophomore had decided to print an editorial about the moral degradations of homosexuality, stating that God created Adam and Eve, “not Adam and Steve.” I was so enraged by this sophomoric (literally) editorial that I sent a letter to the editor responding on behalf of the gay community, which was published, and which publicly announced my sexual orientation for all the student body to read.