Amanda Seely

    Articles and Advice in this area:

    • Amanda Seely

    Rule #1 of partnered sex: no one is entitled to any kind of sex with another person. Safe, healthy, pleasurable sex can only happen when both people are on the same page, and they respect each other’s boundaries and desires. Honestly, what I read in your question are many feelings of anger and…

    • Amanda Seely

    First of all, a bit of information about HPV. In general HPV is quite common and quite contagious. It’s slightly less contagious in vulva-to-vulva contact when compared with penis-vulva contact or penis-anal contact, but it is still contagious nonetheless, and can be contagious even without direct…

    • Amanda Seely

    I’d like to start by addressing your use of the word “sex.” Sex can mean anything from masturbation (aka “solo sex”), to manual sex (“fingering”), to oral sex, to anal sex, and of course to what many people mean when they just say “sex” (and what I’m guessing you’re referring to in your question)…

    • Amanda Seely

    You say that you’re not sure whether or not to end the relationship, but it sounds to me like part of you knows that many aspects of your relationship aren’t healthy and that ending it is what needs to happen. It’s completely normal to have conflicting feelings about that, but it’s also important to…

    • Amanda Seely

    Public spotlight has focused intently on reproductive justice lately: in the campaigns of presidential hopefuls, in the media, and in the procedings of the U.S. legistlature. Debates have culminated this fall in a show-down on Capitol Hill as members of Congress attempt to de-fund Planned Parenthood. The House and Senate both voted to de-fund the organization, which amounts to cutting off Medicaid payouts to the non-profit that millions of low-income people depend on for healthcare. But wait a second: why are lawmakers making such a stink over Planned Parenthood anyway?

    • Amanda Seely

    Worried a medication might interact/interfere with your hormonal contraceptive, or vice versa? Here’s a rundown of the most common culprits in birth control interference.