Want some great sex ed for not-yet or just-barely teens?

Hey fellow sex⁠ educators, parents, big sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles and anyone else who’s got younger people between the ages of 10 and 14 in your life! There’s a new, fantastic sex education resource that’s been added to the sex ed video lexicon we think you’ll be awfully glad to discover. We're sure proud to be a supporting partner⁠ .

AMAZE is a series of videos expressly designed to provide accurate, fun and engaging sex, sexuality and bodies education for pre-teens and very young teens. They’ve been created by an excellent and diverse team of both experienced sexuality educators and young adult animators, and the styles vary widely, so if any one video isn’t a hit with a viewer, another probably will be.

AMAZE has rolled out⁠ videos on feelings, friendship, puberty⁠ , body image⁠ , sexual orientation⁠ and gender identity⁠ , web safety, feelings, sexual⁠ decision-making and STIs, all designed expressly for this often underserved age group. They’ve got more content coming, too, on consent⁠ , pornography⁠ , menstruation⁠ and more.

How can you use these?

  • You can share them with your younger sibling, niece or nephew. If you think or know they’re someone who would feel more weird rather than less if you talked to them about it right away, you can just send a link with a note that if they want to talk about it, you’re around, and let them take it from there.
  • You can use them to support your family sex, sexuality and bodies conversations with extra facts or different approaches so that you’ve got more to talk about.
  • They can be added to existing sex education, health or life skills classes or workshops. If you teach parenting workshops, you can use these as a segment on helping parents of young people this age to give them ideas and support for parenting well with these topics.
  • If you parent or work with older teens or emerging adults⁠ with developmental disabilities, you may find them a better fit than other sex education materials aimed at these age groups.
  • For more ideas and supporting resources, take a look at the sections on the AMAZE site for educators and for parents. To see all the currently available videos from AMAZE, check out their YouTube channel here.

Want to read more about AMAZE?

Want a few other resources we love that are available for this age group or those caring for them? Take a look at:

P.S. We would like props for not making any amaze puns in this post.