
  • Heather Corinna

Pregnancy prevention information for someone whose body can co-create a pregnancy, but in whose body itself pregnancy can't happen.

  • Heather Corinna

If you're considering a nonhormonal method or practice of pregnancy prevention, and want help deciding which one(s).

  • Heather Corinna

Is your period late? If it is, then by all means, take a pregnancy test, as withdrawal is one of the least effective methods of birth control in typical use. If you don't know when to expect your period, or your periods are often irregular, then just take a test when it's been around 14 days since...

  • Heather Corinna

Withdrawal is NOT an effective birth control method: just ask my parents, and their parents, and...you get the picture. I also have a fantastic nephew who I adore, both of whose parents swear (and have no reason to lie, really) that they practiced withdrawal PERFECTLY. Apparently not. That's the...

  • Heather Corinna

It's so tragic that anyone is afraid to ask questions about something so important, but it's an unfortunate reality for a lot of people. Just know that this isn't a place where you need to be scared to ask anything, okay? This is what we're here for! Is intercourse supposed to hurt? No, intercourse...

  • Heather Corinna

Your body doesn't really care how long intercourse goes on for. Whether it's 30 seconds or fifteen minutes (and it's worth mentioning that five minutes of intercourse is about average, so that's not a short period of time for that activity), what your body cares about if it has been exposed to...

  • Sarah Riley

Whether you orgasm or not, sex without a condom leaves you open to both STI transmission and pregnancy risk (assuming your partner is not using another form of contraception that would protect against pregnancy). Pre-ejaculate (sometimes referred to as "pre-cum"), the fluid that is released by men...