  • Heather Corinna

How about something like this: "Hey, I know we should have talked about this before, but since we've been having sex without condoms, I need us to talk about safer sex now. I don't want either of us to be taking risks when we don't have to, or when we should reduce them, so can we talk about this a...

  • Heather Corinna

No method of contraception is 100% effective, even with perfect use. Please understand that when any two fertile, opposite-sex partners are having genital sex where genitals meet genitals, pregnancy is always a possibility. Birth control methods and practices reduce the risk of pregnancy -- more or...

  • Heather Corinna

No. No kind of sex can change the shape or size of your body (sparing something temporary and small, like erections or clitoral swelling because of being aroused). If you become pregnant due to any given kind of sex you can have shape or size changes, but that's about it. To find out about what...

  • Heather Corinna

If you had a partner before him for oral, vaginal or anal sex, that could be who you got it from and your current partner managed not to contract it from you (now or yet), or contracted it so recently that he isn't testing positive yet. Or, your current partner's test wasn't accurate, or he said he...

  • Heather Corinna

Worried: there's no one kind of person, or kind of role, that gives someone a free pass to have sex on us or to us when it isn't what we want. If a husband forces or coerces his wife into sex when sex is not what she wants, it's not consensual, and it is then a sexual abuse or an assault: a rape. If...

  • Sarah Riley

From what you've said here, I'm not sure the pill necessarily sounds like the best option for you at this point in your life. The pill is a good method of contraception, but it isn't for everybody. As far as the side effects go, do understand that they're not guaranteed to happen for everybody...

  • Heather Corinna

Was her partner ever treated when she was? Standard procedure when one person is diagnosed with Chlamydia is for a healthcare provider to make clear that all current or recent partners are informed so that they can also be treated at the same time. Some healthcare providers will even just provide...

  • Heather Corinna

If you're considering spermicides as a birth control method, or already use them and want more information.

  • Heather Corinna

If you're considering IUDs or IUSs as a birth control method, or already use them and want more information.

  • Heather Corinna

You can certainly do your best to help keep your immune system doing it's job to fight off anything you may have been exposed to, just by taking sound care of yourself: eating right, getting enough activity and rest, limiting or avoiding substances that can tax the immune system like caffeine...