
  • Heather Corinna

No matter what THEIR reasons are for holding off on any kind of sex, all of you need to be respecting the choices each of you makes for yourself. So, if you're making different choices than they are, the choices you want to make, this discussion with them shouldn't be going on over and over again...

  • Heather Corinna

Risk-taking is a very, very normal (I'm going to say it again in case you missed it: VERY normal) part of adolescent and young adult -- and overall human -- development. When the risks we're taking are sound risks to BE taking, which involve the possibility of real benefits, that not only isn't a...

  • Heather Corinna

It has NEVER been safe to try and terminate a pregnancy with a wire hanger, for crying out loud. PLEASE hear that. Abortions with wire hangers are remnants of the horror stories -- true ones, sadly -- from the days when abortion was illegal. Many women had to have backalley abortions at high cost...

  • Heather Corinna

Joe, I'm going to be pretty straight with you, here. The "circumstances" aren't determining your behaviour. You are both, every time you don't use condoms properly and consistently, making an ACTIVE CHOICE to take the risks that are causing you this stress. You have every possible ability to make...

  • Heather Corinna

The very first thing I'd say to you is that I hope you know and accept that it's always anyone's prerogative to change their mind or their stance when it comes to any aspect of sex and sexuality. Sounds like you do, but just in case you don't, please know that it's okay. It's also okay to realize...

  • Heather Corinna

What an awesome friend you are! Obviously, everyone who is waiting for sex, or a certain type of sex, can have different reasons for waiting. Too, a person's reasons for waiting might change over time, or if a person originally had wanted to wait, they may not want to all that much at a certain...


We have talked about those kind of things before I decided I was a lesbian. She always told me how weird and unnatural it is. But while it might be for her, for me, it's not.

  • Hanne Blank

I don't know if you are Orthodox or not, but if you are, perhaps you've heard of a term called "taharat hamispocheh" (rough transliteration). These are the laws (halacha) of family purity, or so they're called. They cover life situations involving sexuality and sexual activity.