
  • Heather Corinna

People do say that people are ready for sex -- and not just the first time, either -- at different times, different ages and in different situations. And that's absolutely right. Whether we do or don't want any kind of sex at any given time, with any given person, in any given situation, and also...

  • Robin Mandell

I'm really glad you want to tell someone, because I think it's really important that you do for her safety. Even if her parents are divorcing, chances are good her father or stepfather will get some sort of unsupervised visitation if there's no record or knowledge of abuse, so her abuse may not...

  • Robin Mandell

In a sentence: you could just take one out of your bag, hand it to your partner, and say "Here, put this on." Or, "Let's get a condom on first." Or, if you want to keep the touch between the two of you going without a condom-stop, how about, "Why don't I slide this on for you." Remember, you can put...

  • Cliff Pervocracy

Life has scripts. Little socially-agreed plays that we enact rather than trying to figure out all our interactions from scratch every time. Many of them are very simple. There's also scripts for sex. Unfortunately, the most common script out there is terrible.

  • Heather Corinna

We have a good piece on safety when it comes to online relationships and meeting up here, but let's review the basics and talk about you and this situation specifically. Meeting someone who you don't know in person and haven't met before alone, especially if and when they may feel you agreed to be...


More and more, new users come to Scarleteen reporting experiences of bullying and other forms of harassment online or in their offline lives. Often enough -- and understandably -- users new to the site will feel fearful and wary that they might experience that here, too, especially since we address...

  • Heather Corinna

There are a few things you mentioned here that I suspect you wanted to have addressed in depth, but I think it's really important that for right now, I do what I can to help you with what seems the most critical. I think it's crucial you get some help as quickly as you can, and I don't want my words...

  • Heather Corinna

I think you just said two things you could tell him right there. "I am very uneasy about this," or "I am very uneasy about this because I have been sexually abused." Whichever you feel most comfortable with, both of those things are fine things to say, things I think we should be able to say with...

  • Heather Corinna

Is what you want from sex with a partner realistic, or is it impossible, unlikely or out-to-lunch? Take a trip with us to go visit our pal reality.

  • Heather Corinna

How can you separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to sex educators, sex education services and online sexuality spaces for young people online? We walk you through it so you can be more sure that wherever you're talking, you're getting good information in a space that's safe for you.