Want a quick way to sort out what does and does not pose real risks of pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections? We’ve taken the temperature for you here.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Johanna Schorn
What does desire feel like, and how does feeling desire – or not feeling it – have an impact on sex or masturbation? Is it okay to feel strong desire, low levels of desire, or even no desire? We aim to answer your most pressing questions on sexual or erotic desire.
- Heather Corinna
The good news is our hormones don’t control us. They can’t override what choices we actually want to make, including when we’re in our teens. I know, that might stand counter to a lot of what you hear about RAGING! TEENAGE! HORMONES! Super-powered chemicals that aspire to, if not world domination…
- Robin Mandell
Whenever there are strong fears about possible consequences of any given action, it’s a good idea to ask whether everyone is ready for the act or behaviour that could lead to these consequences. Reading your question, I’m left with a lot more questions. Have you and your boyfriend ever met before…
- Robin Mandell
In a sentence: you could just take one out of your bag, hand it to your partner, and say “Here, put this on.” Or, “Let’s get a condom on first.” Or, if you want to keep the touch between the two of you going without a condom-stop, how about, “Why don’t I slide this on for you.” Remember, you can put…
- Heather Corinna
We have a good piece on safety when it comes to online relationships and meeting up here, but let’s review the basics and talk about you and this situation specifically. Meeting someone who you don’t know in person and haven’t met before alone, especially if and when they may feel you agreed to be…
- Heather Corinna
If you feel crampy and bloated, and you didn’t miss your last period, it’s more likely in terms of those symptoms and the timing of things that you’re experiencing PMS symptoms rather than pregnancy symptoms. However, if you’ve been having unprotected intercourse, pregnancy is a very real…
- Heather Corinna
I’m so sorry that you’ve found yourself in what sounds like some big time bad-news dynamics. There are some things where not being in agreement isn’t a big deal, or is problematic, but not massive. However, having conflict about sex and reproduction like this, especially if one person refuses to…
- Heather Corinna
Is what you want from sex with a partner realistic, or is it impossible, unlikely or out-to-lunch? Take a trip with us to go visit our pal reality.
- Heather Corinna
We get asked about this a lot; about whether once you have a more effective method of contraception than condoms, like a hormonal method or IUD, if they’re still needed to prevent pregnancy. The only right answer to that question, no matter who asks it, is that it really depends on what you and your…