To start off with, I can assure you that you're not the first person to be in this situation. So you don't have to feel as though you're the only straight person traveling in queer circles who's ever felt uncomfortable with the way straightness is discussed. And believe me when I say the advice I'm...
- Sam Wall
Oh, pubic hair. One of those subjects that, when brought up, generally kick-starts a furious debate about which option (shaved, trimmed, left alone) is the most attractive, the most empowered, the most hygienic, etc. And, depending on how much you follow this debate, you may end up feeling like no...
- Sam Wall
Scarleteen volunteer Sam reflects on the significance of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and how it relates to sexuality, identity, and her middle school experience.
- Heather Corinna
Everyone has a sexual orientation and a sexual identity. Here are some basics and not-so-basics about what orientation is, some of the ways we can talk about it, how to figure yours out, and finding support.
- Jenna Gaarde
I just want to start off by saying that you seem to be a self-aware and secure person in your sexuality, from the limited information that you included. Many people who are concerned with their lack of sexual experience have feelings of insecurity. That insecurity is more often what tends to be the...
- Heather Corinna
Steelflower's question continued: I'm deadly frightened to tell him because this is something I am really ashamed of. I trust him and know my secret would be safe with him, but I'm terrified that he'll suddenly find me disgusting, or frightening, or that he'll never be able to trust me again -...
- Onionpie
It's hard to say when things finally changed for me. All the pieces were there for a long time, waiting to fall into place, but I just wasn't ready to let go and watch them tumble down. The idea of having to put it all behind me scared me. The idea of losing such a close relationship. Of losing something so familiar.
It's hard to say when things finally changed for me. All the pieces were there for a long time, waiting to fall into place, but I just wasn't ready to let go and watch them tumble down. The idea of having to put it all behind me scared me. The idea of losing such a close relationship. Of losing something so familiar.
Figuring out who you are as a sexual being, and what your sexual experiences mean to you, in a world full of double standards and outdated definitions can be quite confusing. Here's my story of "losing my virginity" and finding my identity when it comes to sex.
- Cliff Pervocracy
Life has scripts. Little socially-agreed plays that we enact rather than trying to figure out all our interactions from scratch every time. Many of them are very simple. There's also scripts for sex. Unfortunately, the most common script out there is terrible.